Thursday, 16 May 2019


You sleep like a child
in her fairy dreams:
your nose protrudes
like a birthday hat
and I cannot stop smiling,
I cannot stop watching!

The moonlight struggles
to pass through
the crimson curtain
you had sewn early summer.
It succeeds now and then:
the air disturbs the curtains!
It kisses your cheek
now and then, 
but can trouble you not,
you sleep like a child
in her fairy dreams!

I can sleep not now.
No task worries me.
No nostalgia pinches me.
Yet I am insomniac today.
I shall stay awake tonight
watching your protruding nose
and untroubled face...
The moonlight still plays
with the crimson curtains
and I cannot stop smiling.
I cannot stop being poetic!