Saturday 30 April 2022


We shall meet
wherever the nights are,
guarding the lilies
of the newborn Spring,
caressing the shy breeze
as it turns into a wind
that whistles through thatch
on a starry night,
offering mothers tunes
to sing to
their little monsters
with red, fair cheeks,
and toothless smiles!

We shall grow old
wherever the nights are,
waiting for fireflies
to cure the darkness of the wild.
Stars never twinkle down here,
winged yellows sparkle without fear!

What is lost is still there,
memoirs of roses bookmarked,
romance beyond the class hours,
or tears of teenage love,
in hearts that may skip a few beats
but never miss the parade’s call!

We shall love
wherever the nights are,
pacifying each other,
quarreling on alternate days,
and loving back more…
just like the moon
that dies out in a fortnight,
and is a poet’s sacrifice in the next!

We shall always be there
wherever the nights are…