Thursday 1 October 2020


I long for cures
of griefs,
and my dreams
feed on me
like fungi.

dreams relax me
luring me into lulls,
then jerk me off
with sharp thrills,
burning pleasure
so earned
in the first
few minutes.

it is dawn.
am I haunted?
by dreams?
or by myself,
the multiple me's
absolved of fears
fuelled by courage.

Am I absolved
of my crimes
committed in
my dreams?
or do I need
to kill again
those good ones
who as
strangle my lulls?

...I can only fear!


[This is one form of 'variable line poetry' where the number of words in a line equals to the line-number.]

lies untouched,
tense metaphors exist
life's blurred monotony amidst-
I miss our coffee nights,
cuddles in the arms of darkness,
gulps of dark beverage soothing our heartbeats
and the night could agree no more then
to conspire love between us, O' sweet summer airs-
the airs visit tonight to soothe bonds of the past.
Will you arrive tonight to share the night and coffee cups?