Saturday, 17 September 2016

PLANS: unnecessary excess!

The kiss of globalization was never a plan of mankind! Man wished to be better, connected through wired and wireless channels, do business seamlessly, and be present everywhere. That's why he 'globalized' which unfortunately led to the birth of 'plans'. 
For us in school, a 'plan' meant our study plan which we could not follow. In a broader sense, a plan was just our assumed 'aim in life'- the commonest of all essays that a child faced in exams, and a conversation starter with a Sarma Uncle or a Kakoti Auntie. Truly speaking, a 'plan' was something which you would not take seiously, and something that would never pay off. It was synonymous to 'fictional pre-determined failed thought' (excuse me the nonsensical choice of words). 
Today, a 'plan' is like a diet chart. You either follow it or face the morning curse of constipation. Of couse, it has become necessary as life demands more donkey work than donkeys. But, the thin line- something that separates reality from fiction, dreams from actions, science from future, and so on...that thin line between plans becoming a necessity and an obsession has grown thicker than obesity. The obsession is such that many have started planning for the number of ice cream scoops that they would eat in a party. Doing multiple tasks at one go, eventually losing the appetite for dinner, is the result of our 'plan's. Plans are making us stress more on time and wallet rather than quality time and bliss.
Sometimes, it is necessary to go out with our friends without a planned time period. It is necessary to watch a TV serial with our kids rather than completing the last bit of code on a project that has a far deadline. 'Plan's are important but they need not be part of our newspaper reads, tea stall gossips, and random carrom games. Insurances can be planned, not poetry. A train journey may be planned but not its joys. Projects are planned, not knowledge.
Reason, and grow- plans are only our idea of doing our works to give us the confidence we need. They are important but they are not the only fuels of our life's journey.
Life is planned but as done by Time. 

Thursday, 8 September 2016


Photo captured by the blogger. Anyone is free to use it.
(some realizations in Kochi, India)

A fragment of my will
I picked up in me
from the white sands
of an uncared sea. 
The fishing nets were alive
unlike the urban me
disturbed by little peace, 
noiseless and empty. 

Undefined to me,
my mind yells no word
absorbed as if it is
in the discipline of seas. 
The tree shelters ages
of poetry on demons and men, 
inspired poetry in the last
of the foreign boatmen
who carved love songs
on the salty woods
of their aged oars. 

She moved hastily
like love in my veins, 
veins in trouble
like her hairs
troubled by the winds... 
Mischievous. Teasing. 
I wished not to talk. 
A first time isn't good. 
Admirable she was
at the verandah
across the lawn
I watched in fear
of watching her much.
What if she mistook
my likeness for desire.
But she knew not
how my poetry loves her
more than me, 
a competent contender. 
And she'll never know
I was watching her
across the lawn
for treasure of a lifetime.