February was catching warmth!
A Sunday!
A holiday of celebration
often extempore,
inspired three
to compel me to cook
matured Hilsas
in burning mustard!
And what else I could do!
The dacoity was irresistible!
Freedom was at stake,
cooking then was evident.
I picked up a pan
of half the size of
the laundryman's tub...
frequently wondered
fry like hell or boil first,
or simmer on oil
or think...
and think...
I tampered the deads
with turmeric,
gently and calmly,
then salted their
yellow meat...
But oh!
The salt was more:
I knew not what to pour!
Tragedy could have instigated
agony in my friends
who knew not me-
a fool or a chef!
I emptied the bowl
into a bucket of water
the salt all removed
but oh!
where's the turmeric?
Phew! All vanished
like Holi's colours,
and the pieces looked
bathed and handsome!
I repeated!
Mustard spiced up
the tale,
three green chillies
were my guests,
one ginger
their little assistant;
onions might have
done their job!
I fried and fried-
Hilsas emitted their egos
in valuable steams
and I watched them
getting dressed
for three
stupid gourmets
waiting still!
The shameless neighbours
waited like grasshoppers!
The mustard assumed
and everything looked fishy:
no one knew where
the smart fishes were!
Finally, I broke some coriander,
sprinkled some unknowns
and did some added stunts
on the bowl of fishes
I did some usual speech:
A little more garlic
would taste better!
And when they bit
at their fishes,
all I could hear was:
Silence on some
deeply irritated,
and motionless tongues-
faces disfigured,
hands in quiet protests
just silence...
I realized
I just killed three tongues!
(First poem of ART AND POETRY SERIES - a nomination-poetry chain event on Facebook, nominated by Suparna Roy Choudhury.)
A Sunday!

often extempore,
inspired three
to compel me to cook
matured Hilsas
in burning mustard!
And what else I could do!
The dacoity was irresistible!
Freedom was at stake,
cooking then was evident.
I picked up a pan
of half the size of
the laundryman's tub...
frequently wondered
fry like hell or boil first,
or simmer on oil
or think...
and think...
I tampered the deads
with turmeric,
gently and calmly,
then salted their
yellow meat...
But oh!
The salt was more:
I knew not what to pour!
Tragedy could have instigated
agony in my friends
who knew not me-
a fool or a chef!
I emptied the bowl
into a bucket of water
the salt all removed
but oh!
where's the turmeric?
Phew! All vanished
like Holi's colours,
and the pieces looked
bathed and handsome!
I repeated!
Mustard spiced up
the tale,
three green chillies
were my guests,
one ginger
their little assistant;
onions might have
done their job!
I fried and fried-
Hilsas emitted their egos
in valuable steams
and I watched them
getting dressed
for three
stupid gourmets
waiting still!
The shameless neighbours
waited like grasshoppers!
The mustard assumed
and everything looked fishy:
no one knew where
the smart fishes were!
Finally, I broke some coriander,
sprinkled some unknowns
and did some added stunts
on the bowl of fishes
I did some usual speech:
A little more garlic
would taste better!
And when they bit
at their fishes,
all I could hear was:
Silence on some
deeply irritated,
and motionless tongues-
faces disfigured,
hands in quiet protests
just silence...
I realized
I just killed three tongues!
(First poem of ART AND POETRY SERIES - a nomination-poetry chain event on Facebook, nominated by Suparna Roy Choudhury.)
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